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LSS News 8
News is packaged information aboutcurrentevents happening somewhere else; or, alternatively, news isthatwhich the news industry sells. News moves through manydifferentmedia, based on word of mouth, printing, postalsystems,broadcasting, and electronic communication. Common topicsfor newsreports include war, politics, and business, as well asathleticcontests, quirky or unusual events, and the doings ofcelebrities.Government proclamations, concerning royal ceremonies,laws, taxes,public health, and criminals, have been dubbed newssince ancienttimes. Humans exhibit a nearly universal desire tolearn and sharenews from elsewhere, which they satisfy by travelingand talking toeach other. Technological and social developments,often driven bygovernment communication and espionage networks,have increased thespeed with which news can spread, as well asinfluenced itscontent. The genre of news as we know it today iscloselyassociated with the newspaper, which originated in China asa courtbulletin and spread, with paper and printing press, toEurope. Thedevelopment of the electric telegraph in the mid-19thcenturyrevolutionized news by enabling nearly instantaneoustransmissions,and by empowering a cartel of news agencies whichconsolidated theworld news system. In the 20th century, the styleof news and itsimpact on national populations expanded considerablywith constantlive broadcasting of radio and television, andfinally, with thepopularization of the internet.
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The history of agriculture in India datesbackto the Rigveda.[1] Today, India ranks second worldwide infarmoutput. Agriculture and allied sectors like forestry andfisheriesaccounted for 13.7% of the GDP(Gross Domestic Product) in2013,[2]about 50% of the total workforce.[3][4] The economiccontributionof agriculture to India's GDP is steadily decliningwith thecountry's broad-based economic growth. Still, agricultureisdemographically the broadest economic sector and playsasignificant role in the overall socio-economic fabric of India.One report from 2008 claimed India's population is growingfasterthan its ability to produce rice and wheat.[8] Other recentstudiesclaim India can easily feed its growing population, plusproducewheat and rice for global exports, if it can reduce foodstaplespoilage, improve its infrastructure and raise its farmproductivityto those achieved by other developing countries suchas Brazil andChina.[9][10]In fiscal year ending June 2011, with a normal monsoonseason,Indian agriculture accomplished an all-time recordproduction of85.9 million tonnes of wheat, a 6.4% increase from ayear earlier.Rice output in India also hit a new record at 95.3million tonnes,a 7% increase from the year earlier.[11] Lentils andmany otherfood staples production also increased year over year.Indianfarmers, thus produced about 71 kilograms of wheat and 80kilogramsof rice for every member of Indian population in 2011. Thepercapita supply of rice every year in India is now higher thantheper capita consumption of rice every year in Japan.[12]
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